Sunday, May 19, 2013

Clarity post rage

It's amazing what blogging can do.

I was so angry just a few hours ago, but being able to write out all my feelings on this blog made me feel so much better. Not good enough to call my mom and talk about it, but good enough to actually have a decent day today.

Like with a previous post. I wrote about a guy a liked in college, and the fact that I still liked him now. Well, after writing out all my feelings and confusion, I feel better about it. I've realized that the way I was feeling wasn't crazy (well, maybe a little) and now I think I'm finally over him. It's about time too, let me tell you.

So, blogging is healthy, I've decided. It's good for me and I'm glad I've finally found a way to get my feelings out. I know that no one reads this thing, so it's just a way for me to get things out without anyone judging me. Just me and my blog.

Today, I went up to the high school graduation for work. I had to go take some pictures of the kids graduating from the same school I did six years ago.

I got a little emotional as I saw them accept their diplomas, move their tassels and leave high school for the last time.
I know that I've written about a few high school experiences in past posts, but I could picture myself in those kids' shoes. I could see myself in my royal blue robe and a huge smile to cover up the fear - the fear of the unknown. What was going to happen after I left that school and moved on with my life.

I remember being terrified. I knew where I was going to college, but I didn't know for what. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. I was scared to leave all my friends behind and have to start all over.

When I looked at those kids as they stood in line, waiting to walk down the aisle to their seats, I could see it in their eyes - the excitement, the fear, the anticipation. Some looked very bored and wanted to be somewhere else, but most had that same look that we had when we graduated.

I stood at the end of the aisle as they walked two by two after graduation and they were so excited. Some of them practically ran toward the door toward their freedom and their future. So much ahead of them, so many opportunities and chances for them to succeed in life.

I'm sad to see this year's seniors go, but I'm excited for their futures and to get to know next year's group of seniors. I think I understand how teachers can get so attached to their students, I'm the same way. I get to know these kids and then one day, poof - gone. Well, I guess that's what happens when people grow up.


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