Monday, March 21, 2011

Holy I've been gone forever Batman!

Shocking as it is, I am not dead.
I've just been... lazy I guess it the right word.
Or just forgetful. Whichever you choose.

It is currently 12:23 a.m. and I am still awake.
Why? I have no idea. I should be asleep.
I have things to do tomorrow.

But here's the thing.
This must be that thing.. what's it called?
Oh yes, senioritis.
I have it. Bad.

I seem to have given up on anything school related.
And I don't seem to mind.
Not one bit.

And the scary thing is I have no idea
About what I'm doing after college.
I have no job offers/applications.
I really don't know what's happening after May 29th.

There is a strong possibility that it could take
me back to Sumner, to my bedroom that
is still covered with high school memories.
Life is tenuous and doubtful.

Unpredictable and fragile.
Yet my thoughts of the future
are limited to next week's episode
of Glee.

This wasn't supposed to happen.
I already have worry lines at 22.
I think I found a gray hair on my head.
My brain is only thinking of things that I'm failing at.

Things that I have no control over.
Do you know how much it sucks,
Not having complete control over your life?

So I sit in computer chair,
downing Girl Scout cookies and
sipping chocolate milk
trying to think of solutions for this confusing life of mine.

So far, I've found that I lack the ambition to accomplish anything.
Nothing at all.
Excepting blogging about my misfortunes.
I always have time for that.

Look, senioritis was in Time Magazine,9171,1191831,00.html

And I just really like Get Fuzzy. It always makes me laugh.

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