Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Be Yourself.

"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is my advice for the day, just be yourself. Several of you might know that one person
who follows everything you do, refusing to be their own person. 

I hate those people. 

I guess it's because I'm the type of person who is so dead set on being myself, being independent from other people that I refuse to change myself to fit with someone else. 
If you don't like me the way I am, whatever. Your freaking loss. 

But in every group of people there's always someone who just has to do what everyone else is doing. Who can't go anywhere alone. Who does everything you do. And that is SO annoying, especially if you're the person they follow all the time. 

You just want to take that person and shake them, yelling at them "JUST BE YOUR OWN PERSON!" but you're too polite to do that. Too passive-aggressive. 

There's nothing you can really do about this situation either. How do you make them stop being what everyone else wants them to be? I have no idea. 

I found this article on how to be yourself. 

Maybe you should introduce your follower to this article. 
Here's just an excerpt.
Everyone is different, the only problem is, people are so image-concerned that they pretend to be something they're not. It shouldn't be that way. People should be individuals, with their own thoughts and emotions, and they shouldn't fake it just to be accepted by their peers. You know better, I assume, or else you wouldn't be reading this. Outcasts, freaks, and nerds are the ones that will reach the farthest in the future, so forget childish desires of acceptance and just let go. If you've always felt different, like you never fit in, it's time to own it.

It sounds good right? I think so. People just need to grow up (grow a pair) and get their own lives. Just being honest.

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