Sunday, March 27, 2011

Late night ramblings

It seems every time I blog, it's always around midnight. I have no reason for this. It's just because. 

I guess this is the time where I actually get to sit down and think about things. Contemplate life, if you will. 

I really don't contemplate life, it just sounds fun. I should really think about what I'm going to write before I actually write it, but that just sounds silly. Who does that? 

Obviously not me. Otherwise I wouldn't be rambling on like this. But as the title suggests, this is my late night rambling. 

So I guess I've been thinking a lot about what has happened in Japan. 

In case you haven't heard, I'll sum it up for you..



And it has killed thousands of people. Millions and millions of dollars in damage. They're on the verge of having a nuclear disaster. How f-ing scary is that? I'm sorry, but holy crap. 

It just get thinking (and I know this probably sounds selfish) but what if that happened here?! I know I'm basically safe from any tsunami/hurricane/ocean issues, but still. Everyone says that Japan will recover because it's such a well-developed country. So what? So what they're well-developed, that doesn't mean we shouldn't help them. 

People keep comparing it to Haiti, everyone gave a crap-ton of money/aid to them, but what have we done for Japan. 


Well, not nothing exactly, but compared to Haiti? Yeah, basically nothing. Now I'm a hypocrite, because I don't donate money. But I can't. You have to have money to donate money. But I donate my prayers and my thoughts.

I just think this is some sort of sign for the people of Earth. Stop f-ing up the planet! If I were God, I would do this kind of stuff too. Oh my ME (GOD) people, I gave you this planet to live on now you're freaking screwing the whole thing up. Seriously, get your heads on straight or worse things are to come. 

So do I believe in the end of the world? Probably not in 2012, but yeah I do. I think if we keep treating Earth the way we are, stripping it of natural resources and killing trees and polluting the air and the water, then we will all die out eventually. Again, I'm a hypocrite because I drive a gas-guzzling car and I don't recycle sometimes, but I still have the common sense not to stupid stuff like liter or smoke or anything that can harm the Earth in an intentional way. 

All that bs about the world ending in 2012 is just dumb. So what the Mayan calender only goes until December something. Maybe this happened. 

You don't know, you weren't there!

Some guy was chiseling away at the calender and he's like "oh crap, I ran out of room." 

The other guy's like "pssh, don't worry about it. It'll all work out." 

Then when we all discover it, everyone's all freaked out. 


When in actuality, they just ran out of room on the stone tablet they were using. Problem solved. 

So I was thinking about something random, yet again. There was a tsunami right? So, what happened to the things in the ocean that the wave left on the coast? Like.. for instance:

Now these things live off the coast of Japan. Can you imagine this giant jellyfish on your door step?! What in the hell would you do? A) I'd freak because I'm terrified of jellyfish B) I'd make my husband/brother/nephew/some other man to take care of it. That's what they're there for right? :)

Anyway, that's all I'm thinking about right now. Oh and the future, but I've blogged enough about that. I'll probably talk more about that when the time comes (graduation). I'll probably get all sappy and thoughtful. Or many not. Whatever. 

You should check out my youtube page.
I post random videos of my life. It's enjoyable. 

I'm off to bed now. Ta-Ta. 

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