Monday, July 27, 2015

The wonders of "Notes"

For some weird reason, I've been feeling oddly nostalgic recently. Apps like Timehop and Facebook's "memories" feature aide to that feeling. I've been thinking about how much I've changed since I started high school, since I graduated, since I started college and graduated from there. How different am I?

After going through this weird thought process, I came upon these notes that were all the rage back in college. For some strange reason, we all thought it was a great idea to fill out these surveys about ourselves and put them on Facebook and tag our friends to do it too. Must be the narcissist in all of us. 

I was reading through these notes and tried to figure out how different my answers would be compared to my 18-year-old self. I'd thought I'd fill a few out and compare them to my younger years. This should be interesting. My answers now are in italics. 

1. Who took your profile picture? 
-I do believe I did, but I really don't remember 
I did. I took it while on vacation with my two best friends down at the cabin. You know which one. 

2. Exactly what are you wearing right now? 
-my newly acquired pair of shorts and a black wartburg sweatshirt 
A tank top and shorts. My pajamas. 

3.What is your current problem? 
-my final tomorrow.. eek 
It's hard to name just one. My anxiety. Money. Work. You name it. So many adult things. 

4. What makes you most happy? 
-being with people I love 
Being with the people I love - friends and family. 

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to? 
It's currently silent in my household. I opened iTunes and hit shuffle. Miles Away by An Honest Year came on. I love that song and that band. I get to see them for a third time in a few weeks. I'm very excited about that. 
1. Nickname 
uh.. some still call me Mookie, littler sister, Morgs, Ghost Rider, Mo 
It's mostly just Ahppy. Started with Brooklyn, and now everyone calls me that. Boss calls me Morganzer. Like the duck. 

2. Eye color? 
could you please look at my eyes and tell me what color they are?! Because I certainly don't know. 
Well, eye color is still the same elusive blue/green/hazel. 

3. Hair color? 
"Chocolate Brown" according to the hair dye box. 

-5'9 ish 
I'd like to think I'm still the same height. 
1. Do you live with your parent(s)? 
-sometimes.. college student 
Nope. Adult. 

2. Do you get along with your parent(s)? 
-most of the time 
I do, yes. I love them very much. They're great people and I can see where I get my personality from, especially as I grow older. 

3. Are your parents chill? 
-chill as in weird 
Very chill. 

4. Do you have any Siblings? 
-1 brother, 1 sister. 
Still have two older siblings. 

1. Ice Cream? 
-strawberry cheesecake.. yum :) 
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Or just plain vanilla with chocolate syrup on it. 

2. Season? 
I will always love fall. Perfect weather. Football season. Hot chocolate. What's not to like? 

3. Book? 
-well, I like a lot 
Asking me to pick a favorite book is like asking a mom to pick her favorite kid. I love them all. 

4. Band? 
My taste in music has changed a little. I love and have always loved Shinedown. Best band ever. But I've evolved to love pop music like One Direction, and I love small bands like An Honest Year and The Millennium. 

5. Food? 
Stiilll chicken. 

6. Drink(s)? 
-fat free skim chocolate milk from AE 
I still drink it, but just not as much. I love water. 

7. Pen color? 
-blue or purple 
I love black pens now. 

8. Store? 
-Kohls or Gordmans 
Maurices and Target. 

9. Person? 
Harry Styles. 

1.Write on your hand: 
-not anymore, I used to in high school to remember things 
Same answer. I did it all the time in high school to remember assignments. 

2. Call people back? 
-haha, sometimes 
Most of the time, especially since I never answer my phone. 

3. Believe in love? 
-Indeed I do 

4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? 
-well, the left.. i believe 
Sort of all over. I don't think there's a particular side. 

1. Kissed Someone in the past 24 hours? 

2. If so...where? 

3. Had physical therapy? 
-never had in my life 

4. Gotten surgery? 
-nope, surgery free 
Still surgery free eight years later. (Good thing because I don't have health insurance.)

5. Taken painkillers.? 
- does Tylenol count? 
Does Tylenol count? 

6. Overdosed on pain killers? 
I think accidentally, which led to a stint in the hospital. 

7. Been stung by a bee? 
-one time, in kindergarden in the back of the neck. I cried and am scarred for life 
That time in kindergarten is still the only time, and I am forever scared of bees and wasps. 

8. Threw up in a doctors office: 
-in the waiting room.. oh that was a bad time 
That time in the waiting room with my sister was still the first and only time. That was a weird day. 


1. Person to text you? 
It's actually still Margot. 

2. Thing you touched? 
-the keys on the keyboard 
Keys on the keyboard, and putting my hair in a ponytail. 

3. Thing you said? 
-I'm probably going to go to bed before midnight 

4. Person you hugged? 
Um... I don't know. Not much of a hugger. Probably one of the nieces/nephews. 

5. Person you talked to on the phone? 
My mom. 

6. Last book you read? 
-Breaking Dawn.. because I'm a freak 
Chaos by Jamie Shaw. I'm one page into it. 

7. Last time you cleaned your room? 
Saturday. Today is now Monday. 

8. Last time you talked to someone you liked? 
-I chose not to say anything. I plead the fifth 
Well I like my roommate, so I'd say her about two hours ago. And my mom. I like my mom. 

1. What's the most exciting thing that happened to you today? 
-Rachel and I finished our project. .finally! 
Absolutely nothing. Other than getting home from seeing One Direction in concert at 3:30 a.m. 

2. How many best friends do you have? 
-a few 
I have a lot. 

3. Would you rather get up early or sleep in? 
-well, it depends. I like getting up early when I have stuff to do. Sleeping in when I'm lazy 
The older I get, I find that I can't sleep in much anymore. I used to love sleeping in. But I'm liking the whole 'get up early' thing. 

4. Who do you love? 
-my family and my friends 
Same answer. 

5. What would you change about your life right now? 
-I would change the fact that I'm not at home yet because of stupid finals 
To make my anxiety and it's accompanying symptoms go away. And to make work and life stress go away as well. 

6. Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth? 
-oh geez.. I hate crying.. 
Cry over the truth. I want to hear the truth, I hate liars. 

7. What's on your bedroom floor? 
-uh.. stuff 
A trash bag. A rug. My furniture. 

8. Who was the last person you got into an argument with? 
-I don't really argue with people 
My cousin, today. I was so mad with him, I complained to three people about it. 

1. Do you trust people easily? 
-Not really 
I still don't. I find the faster you trust, the faster they can disappoint you. 

2. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move to? 
-ALASKA! I really am a freak.. 
Alaska or to London. I love all things British. 

3. Do you think you're good looking? 
-not really.. some days 
Some days. Days I do my hair, or maybe even shower. 

4. Could you go a day without eating? 
-I have 
Well, I could, but I don't want to. 

5. How much do looks matter to you? 
-not really a lot.. 
They don't, not really. But I still like to look at really hot people. 

6. How do you feel about P.D.A.? 
-how about you don't make out in public.. 
Some is okay. But there's a limit. 

7. When was the last time you had your hair cut? 
-oh man.. I don't really remember.. I should do that 
I honestly don't know, my hair is so long. It's been a long time. 

8. Would you rather be mad or sad? 
-angry.. errrr 
I'd rather be mad. I'm not a fan of being sad. I'm not a good crier. 

9. Does it take a lot to make you cry? 
-kinda.. I don't really cry that often and I don't like to. 
It does and it doesn't. I've gotten to the point in my life where my personality has molded to my "just get over it" mentality and so crying isn't really in my life like that. But I bawl during funerals and weddings. I cry during those PETA commercials, if it's something sappy on TV. Things that aren't really real in my life. Movies. Books. 

10. What's the worst car accident you've ever been in? 
-when I was like 11 or so when my sister crashed our van into a light pole. Yeah.. 
That van still is #1. I haven't been in an accident myself *knock on wood*

11. Are you close with your mom? 

12. Do you tell your parents everything? 
-haha.. nope 
Absolutely not. 

13. Would you rather be a bird or a fish? 
-mm.. I'd like to be a bird. I don't like swimming that much 
I still think I'd rather be a bird. To soar through the sky like that - sounds amazing. 

14. Name one fear you have. 
-medicine cabinents.. yeah figure that one out. 
Spiders, man. 


1. If you need to go to the store a block away, do you walk or drive? 
I'd probably drive. I'm very lazy. 

2. Does the thought of marriage scare you? 
-uh.. yeah! I'm still young, I can't think about that yet 
Honestly, yes. I have a hard time picturing myself committing to just one person. It seems so final. So end game. 

3. How many kids do you want? 
-mm i don't know 
I think I've decided that I don't want kids. I can't see myself as someone's mom. It's a very weird concept. I like just being me. 

4. What's your favorite color to wear? 
-black! lol I don't know, probably blue or green. 
I actually do wear a lot of black. I also wear a lot of blue/teal. 

5. Who was the last person in your bedroom besides you? 
-well, I actually share my bedroom with Nicole, so I'm going to go with her. Since she's.. right there on the couch. Studying like a good college student 
Um... I don't know. 

6. What are you doing today? 
-Since it is officially thursday: I'm eating breakfast at 7:15 while studying, taking a final at 7:45. Clean and pack until about 11:00. Go to lunch. Give a stupid presenation at 12:00. After that, finished packing and cleaing. Load up my car and go home. 
Well, since it's Tuesday @ 12:08 a.m. I hope to go to bed, wake up around 7, get ready and go to work. I'll lay out and design a paper, go to lunch at the bar, and go back to work. From there, I don't know what I'll do until 5, when I'll get off work and hopefully go see "Paper Towns" in theatres.

7. What would you do if you found a dinosaur egg? 
-uh.. turn it in the police so they can give it to scientists who can then hatch it and create a whole new dinosaur generation.. who will eventually take over the planet (when I'm long gone). 
Destroy it. We don't need a real-life Jurrasic Park. 

8. Do you get bored easily? 
-note really.. i can entertain myself 
I can still keep myself pretty entertained. 

9. What's something that someone can do that really bothers you? 
-talk about themselves all the time! 
That's still a pet peeve. Slow drivers. Indecisive people, arrogant people, immature people. 

10. Did you ever want to change your name when you were younger? 
-yes! I hated my name.. everyone else had cool names.. mine sucked :( 
I hated my name because everyone kept calling me Megan. I like it now. 

11. Do you wish you were famous? 
-Nah.. too much drama and too many paparazi peeps 
Nope. I'm pretty happy just being me. 

13. How do you like your steak cooked? 
-I don't really eat steak 
Well done. Pink in the middle gives me the willies

14. What's your favorite song at the moment? 
-mm.. any Glee song :) I love Glee 
It's "Tenerife Sea" by Ed Sheeran. 

16.Can music affect your mood? 
-yes! I love music 
Absolutely. I'm in love with music. Especially live music. I saw my first concert in high school, and hadn't been to another one until college. Now as an adult, I go to concerts all the time. Music is so important. I love it. 


1. What piercings do you want? 
-don't really want anymore.. 
I think I want another piercing on the top of my ear to join the other two there already. 

2. What tattoos do you want? 
-meh.. maybe one on my foot, but that's about it 
If money weren't an object, my body would be covered. I want a tattoo on my back right shoulder that says "Some bird aren't meant to be caged" with some design on it. 

3. Have you ever been in a cave? 
-yes! I went to a whole bunch in south dakota and whacked my head pretty good on the ceiling. Thank God for hard hats 
Answer still relevant. 

4. Have you ever eaten a bug? 
Not that I now of. 

5. Do you think there's someone for everyone? 
-I certainly hope so.
I'd like to believe so, but my realistic self is saying - nope. 

More notes to come! I have pages and pages of them on my Facebook page :)

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