Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A letter to a younger me

Dear younger me,

Hey there. This is coming from 27-year-old you. I know it’s a little off-putting, but just roll with it. You’re in high school right now. You don’t see yourself as popular, or in the “in crowd,” but here’s a tip – who gives a shit? Listen to me. It does not matter that you’re not friends with those people. In a few years, you’ll never talk to them again. Once you walk out those doors, it’s all over and you’ll never look back. I know it’s hard, but stop caring what they think of you. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of you. Just be yourself and you’ll do great.

Those friends you have, the ones that you’ve known since kindergarten, those stick with you. Cherish those friendships, don’t let stupid boyfriends get in the way. Those boys don’t stick around forever, but the relationship you’ve built with those girls will. I just spent five days visiting your best friend. She’s getting married now. Not to that awful guy (thank god), but to someone much better. You’re in the wedding! And the dress is way cute. So, spoiler, she finally realizes how big of a jerk he actually is and moves on. Sure, moves to a different state, but it’s so much better for her. Those memories you’re making with her now - those football games and track meets - will be some of the best in your high school career. Stick with her – she’s a good one.

Those new friends you’ve been hanging out with, the ones that the popular kids think are kind of weird – they’re important too. They help shape who you become. They help mold your love of good music and help you break out of your shell. Although those friendships don’t last forever, they are important while you have them. Enjoy those times at the lunch table, enjoy your first rock concert (and yes, that stuff you smell is what you think it is, but leave it alone) and enjoy those relationships while they're in your life. 

Stop worrying so much about boys and boyfriends. I know you think you’re ugly and fat that no boy would ever look at you like that, but you are wrong. You are beautiful. You’ve been told that your eyes are the most beautiful (and weird, but in a nice way) color of blue, your smile lights up the room and that your laugh makes a certain boy's heart fill up with joy. There’s a guy in college who just takes your breath away. It will come, I promise. High school boys are stupid anyway. Especially those ones in your high school. 

Join the yearbook and start writing. I know the girls in that class are total bitches, but join anyway. Screw them, you’re in it for the experience. You’ll become a really great writer someday with several awards under your belt, so don’t be afraid of your talent. You might feel like it’s stupid, but it’s not. Also, that book you started and you think is dumb – finish it.

I hope you realize that high school isn’t everything. Stay close with those friends you have, don’t worry about those popular kids and just have fun. I know you’re always worried about the future – what will you do, where will you live, blah blah blah. Stop worrying about that now. Just be a kid because those years fly by and all of sudden you’re almost 30 and you’re thinking “I want to be a kid again.” Trust me. Paying bills and being an adult is not all it’s cracked up to be so be a kid as long as possible.

I know it seems like your mom is overbearing and doesn’t let you do anything, but she does it because she loves you. Just grin and bear it, but just know that you don’t have to be the perfect daughter all the time. Go skateboarding at midnight with those boys. Go to that bonfire in the middle of nowhere with your friends. Break some rules.  Also know thing with your dad, you’ll know what it is when it happens, actually works out for the best and now everything is better than ever. I know it seems like the end of the world when you find out. Let’s just say your 17th birthday isn’t the greatest, but you’ll get through it. Lean on your friends and family and it’ll all be okay. I promise.

Go to college and enjoy your time there. You will meet some of the greatest people, and some of your best friends. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you how much fun college is. Sure, there is a lot of work and studying involved (and lots and lots of reading assignments), but you will have so many adventures and see so many great things. Those girls you meet freshman year will shape your whole entire college career. That third floor is important. I sit here looking back and smile because without them, college would have not been the same. Don’t be afraid to leave your door open because great opportunities and people will walk through it.

I’m almost tearing up now because those two girls you meet, you’ll know them when you meet them, will become two of the most important people in your life. They are still my two best friends in the whole world, and without them I would not be who I am today – a strong, independent woman who is not afraid to say what I think and stand up for myself and the people I love. We became the three musketeers, the three amigos. You’ll share so many adventures with those two girls. I can’t even explain to you how important they are.

The person I am doesn’t sound an awful lot like you right now. You’re shy, quiet in class and around your classmates, but when you’re with your friends, the real you shines through. That’s the you that everyone loves.  That’s the you that grows and develops into the person I am today. Get out of your own head, stop being afraid of those people and just be the you that you're meant to be. I’m sorry this is getting long, but I had a lot to say. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Stop caring what those people think of you and just march to the beat of your own drum. Hell, march to the beat of your own damn marching band. Have a your own freaking parade. Just know that you are special, you are talented and you are loved. Keep your nose in those books, get some scholarships to help pay for that ridiculously expensive college you go to, and just be you. Those four years fly by, and the next four go by even faster.

Enjoy the time you have there. But know that life gets better after you leave that place. Smile more, write more and relax. You’re going to love the future. Believe me on this one. It’s going to be great.

The future you

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