Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sometimes life is just...


I've decided that I will never be happy with anything. Take this, for example: 

For the longest time (okay, only a few months), I was unemployed. And I absolutely hated it. I felt useless and like a total bum. Well, honestly, I was. But then, miraculously, I got a job. 

I love it. I've also recently (effective yesterday) got a promotion and I'm both completely freaked out and excited at the same time. I love my co-workers, I love my boss. Seriously, it's perfect. 

But.. yes, there's always a but. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut. At the same time, I'm not. And that makes no sense, right? Yeah, hence the complicated and confusing brain thoughts. 

I think it might just be being an adult that is the boring part. I don't have any fun anymore. All I do is work. All of my friends have moved away, leaving me alone and sad. Okay, not really sad.. just a little bit sad. 

Here is my day, in a round-a-bout way. Ha, that rhymed! 

I wake up at 6:30 every day. I got to work at 7:45ish, depending what is on the Today Show. I get caught up in a story sometimes. 

I work until roughly 12:00, when I get an hour lunch break. I go home, watch CNN and eat lunch. I go back to work, work until 5:00 or so, sometimes 5:30, make supper and watch TV the rest of the night. Or I might have to go take pictures of something for work. 

That's the fun part, going to go take pictures of things, like concerts and such. It breaks up the doldrums.. 

I love my job and it's different every day, so the doldrums is not my job. It's just my life in general. I miss babysitting my nieces and nephew a couple nights a week. I miss going to my friend's apartment to watch our favorite TV shows. I miss going on random shopping trips/movie nights with said friend. I miss people. Ugh. 

Sometimes, I miss college so much it hurts.I know that sounds kind of strange, but I would go back in a heartbeat (if I knew after graduation, I'd have the job I had now. That's the catch). I loved being around my friends all the time. I miss my roommate with a passion of a thousands suns. I miss being able to go downstairs and hang out in the common area, go to the cafeteria and laugh hysterically with my girls. Oh my god, we'd have so much fun. 

This blog doesn't really make any sense. I just had to get out what I was feeling. That's what I'm feeling, a mixture of longing, nostalgia, boredom and contentment. That is weird combination. 

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