Thursday, January 12, 2012

Friends are the bacon bits...

in the salad bowl of life. 

It's true. You have life, which is kind of boring, with the lettuce that is work. The croutons which are your family, kind of crunchy and weird, but good. Then you have your friends, the bacon bits, the most amazing part, but maybe not always the best for you. But still awesome. 

I just got off the phone with the girl that I've known the longest, my best friend in the whole world. I've seriously known her since preschool, and we're still friends. How often does that happen? Most people lose touch, but not us. Sure, we don't get to talk to each other as often because we're both busy with work and we live almost two hours apart so I hardly ever see her. But still, We just talked for two hours on the phone. 

Do you have one of those friends who no matter how much time goes by, you start talking to each other like you just saw each other yesterday. Like no time has gone by since your last conversation, since the last time you saw each other. It's great. 

Then I have friends who.. whom.. I met in college and are amazing. I certainly changed when I went to school, becoming more outgoing and comfortable with myself. They got to know the new me, the one that I liked too. We all went through some great times. They're amazing people and I love them all to death. 

I just wanted to write this blog to get my feelings out about my friends and how amazing they are. Sure, they're all spread out now, around the state, country, and the world, but we're still friends. Thank God for the Internet and cellphones because without those things, I'd talk to no one. And I'd be sad. 

Friends are awesome :-)

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