Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Air Conditioners.. How about those things?!

I know, weird title
But that's what I hear right now
Is our air conditioner
So I decided to make a joke
About them.
But then I couldn't think
Of a punchline.
I know, great joke.

Today is indeed a Tuesday.
Yesterday was Monday.
It was been a very miserable
and icky two days.
Don't get me wrong.
I happen to love storms.
But THUNDERstorms.
Like spitting rain.
That dampens the bottom
Of your pants
And covers your glasses with mist.
But doesn't actually rain.
Yeah, that kind.

Currently I'm watching Dirty Dancing
And honoring the late and great
Patrick Swayze.
What a great actor he was.
I remember the first time I watched DD.
I fell in love. Instantly
And then I saw Ghost
and made plans to become
Morgan Swayze.
Sadly he was already married.

No matter how famous or popular you are,
You can still fall.
I guess I always saw
Celebrities as immortal.
Nothing could happen to them.
But they are people too, ya know?

I really love 80's movies in general.
The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink,
St. Elmo's Fire, 16 Candles,
Footloose, Flashdance, DD.
You name it, I like it.

Oh snap, its a really good part of the movie.
Where Baby and Johnny
are dancing in his room.
He's shirtless and yummy.
And then they DO it.

Well my laundry is complete
So I have to depart.
But I wanted to share some quotes
That I have collected over the past
Coupld of days that make me laugh.
1. "You've just inspiried a new drink: the Yummytini!" I don't remember where this is from, but it was funny.
2. "I am one seriously satisfied chick who makes men quake so much with pleasure, their packages practically need a seismograph." This was a result of a Cosmo quiz on how sexually active I am, or something like that. How good I am in bed? One of those dumb quizzes anyway.
3. "In France, the cheese is alive. You don't just stuff it in the fridge. Would you put your cat in the fridge? No, the cat is alive. As is the cheese. In America, the cheese is dead. The fridge is the morgue. It's a place to put the dead cheese." This was hilarious. From a video my class and I watched in Marketing.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My little rant

Since I have no one to share my
Little rant with,
You, my dear blog,
are the lucky winner.

Oh my God I have to get this off my chest.
Or I could possibly explode.
Due to frustration.

It seems like a ton of people
My age are getting engaged.
Is it in the water?
Like.. love juice of some sort?
Because really? This just is not FAIR

I know of so many people that are
Engaged or already MARRIED right now
Who are the exact same age as I am!

I think this is to rub it in.
Since I am currently single.
Everyone else around me
Gets to be happy!?
WTF is up with that?!!!

Dane Cook, the hilarious man that he is,
Was right about one thing.

"When you're single,
It's like there's a party going on.
And everyone else was invited.
Except for you.
And you just so happen to be
Walking by the house
In the rain. 'Meh, I wasn't invited
to this party.'
That's what that feels like. "

I feel better now.
Sort of.
To be continued..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday: The fifth day of the week, following Wednesday and preceding Friday

That is the real definition of Thursday.
I looked it up.
I thought it would have something
interesting, but no.
It's just a day.
Unlike any other.

It's acutally my favorite day.
I don't have any classes.
Which is niiice.

There's just something about that word.
Thuuursday. It's just so..
You know.
There is no other word like it.
You can't rhyme it with other words.
It just is.

I think I'm drawing a blank.
Usually I have a funny story
or random thing to talk about.
I. have. nothing.

I guess I could talk about
Even though that's not fun
But it's what is on my mind.
I hate it.
I wish we could barter like in the
Old days with seashells and goats.
"I would like to buy that shoe."
"It will cost you three conch shells please."
And you just hand him three shells and
Be on your way.

Sadly no.
That is not the way it is.
Maybe I should talk to Barack about this.
Bring it up in our daily chats.
We Skype.
It's a fun time.
Sometimes Michelle pops in to say hi.

College should be free, in my opinion.
But noooo.
Tuition here is $35,000 a year!
That's so no right.
On so many levels.

I'm moving to Canada.
Do they have free college?
Still going to Canada though.
Don't ask why.
It's a "severe" adventure
(that was for you Nicole.. haha)

I have to depart now and be a good student
A.K.A. do homework.

Something to think about:
Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
— Spike Milligan

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday. Not as bad as Monday but still hell

Welcome to day 5.. of school.
It feels like I've been here FOREVER already.
Seriously, day 5 is like month 5.
It probably doesn't help that I've been here for about a month now.

I wanted to tell this story of what I did this weekend.
Then you will see how 'small town' I really am.
So.. I went home this weekend.
To see the fam.
Turns out the 'rents have a bee infestation on the porch.
As entertainment,
I went out and killed bees with a flyswatter.
And here's the kicker-
I loved it.
I would wait until the bees almost got the their hole and
They were dead.
And then I would laugh.
I seriously killed bees for
about three hours each day.
I won that epic battle 107-8 (they got away.. bastards)
How small town am I???

Well, classes are kicking my ass(es?? it rhymed.. don't judge)
Let's see.. what did I do today?
Not that anyone really cares..
But IIIII do.
Acutally, yesterday was better.
I had four straight classes with no break.
Then I had four meetings.

Today I had one class
two interviews
tons of homework
and Homecoming stuff.
Then there's a concert that
I muust attend.

I actually have to peace out.
I'll leave you with food for thought.
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz

Thursday, September 10, 2009

College Day 2

Holy shitake mushrooms. I have officially begun my third year of college and
I about had a panic attack.

Okay, not that that is out of my system..
Classes started yesterday.
That morning, I had that jittery feeling, like "oh my god, I loove school.. I can't wait."
Well that went away quickly.
9:00 AM was Communication Design.
He read the whole damn syllabus to us. I can read, just so you know that.
I am not three years old thanks.
Oh Thomas Payne.. "T Pain"

Next class-History of Christianity.
Yeah, it's as boring as it sounds.
But there is a fun moment, about three weeks from now
I'm making a stain glass window!
I know right?
But Kit is the prof, which shouldn't be that bad.
She likes me.
I was once her advisee.
I'm going to need all the help I can get :S

Ah.. next? That would be Media Marketing and Management.
What a joy that is.
Awkward moment #1 Saul was sweating like crazy
Especially under his man boobs.
Good times.
Awkward moment #2 He has no idea how to run audio
We all (the 10 of us in the class) had to direct him
Uh.. you're the professor!
Figure it out!

Finally, the end of my day was work.
Which wasn't so bad
I cleaned..
and then I cleaned..
Oh and I cleaned.
Yup, for about 2 hours.
That's abooout it.
GOO MENSA! (aka cafeteria for non-wartburgers)

The rest of the night was filled with Ghost Hunters and Destination Truth.
I will someday marry Josh Gates
And go on awesome adventures with him
Someday we will find Big Foot together
It will be EPIC!
I can see it now. ..
Josh and I are standing side by side
His arm around my shoulder
My arm around his waist.
In his other hand holds the famous
Big Foot picture.
The furry beast is in the CIA headquarters, being investigated
Turns out he speaks English
Who would have thought?
He tells the world his story:

His father, the original Big Foot, was indeed part man, part ape.
His name was Prescott
Scott, which is what his friends called him,
fell in love with a wonderful woman named Sophia
Scott tragecially died in a fishing accident (a dam was involved)
and Sophia was devastated.
She was actually pregnant with his baby
Sweet, hairy, freakish baby Kyle.
After many years, he knew that the forest was his home
Just like his dad.
So when Kyle was 18, he left his precious mother and ventured
Out to the woods.

Which is where Josh and I come in, about twenty years later.
We set a trap (a nice one that doesn't hurt because I'm nice like that)
and wait...
and wait..
and wait..
for days!
Finally, success!
Kyle was trapped in our little set up
and finally!
We were famous!
Josh and I fell madly in love with one another and we all live happily ever after.
Kyle stays in a nice endangered animals sanctuary where Sophia can visit
He can be the ape/man he was meant to be.

And that is the story of our greatest discovery.
The end.

Today was a good day though.
I did nothing.
Poster Sale..
Meeting (homecoming)..
Project Runway..

The usual.

Tomorrow is indeed Friday and I am thanking God.

That is all. Hope you enjoyed by awesome story of Big Foot..

Quote of the Day:
"To fly, all you have to do is jump and avoid coming down."
-T. Payne (Comm Design Man)