Friday, March 4, 2016

March 4.

So, I got a little dark yesterday. It's so strange. I have moments like that, but then days like today where I feel just fine. I don't know how to balance those days with ones like I've had today. I just don't get it. 

It's Friday night, and I'm spending the night it. I'm actually happy to be doing it because I'm sick and I feel pretty icky. I'm spending the night watching Supernatural, maybe do a little bit of reading. Maybe play some Sims, that always makes me happy. But tomorrow should be a good day. I'm going shopping with my mom during the day and going to karaoke tomorrow night, so that should be fun. Although I kind of sound like a dying frog. But I digress. 

I found this little thing on someone else's blog and I thought it was cute, so I'm putting it on mine for fun-sies. 

Making: an effort to be happier and get out of my own head. 
Cooking: yeah, hi. Do you know me? I don't cook. 
Drinking : water. lots and lots of water. 
Reading: I've started to read The Dirt on Ninth Grave by Daryna Jones. I've been in sort of a reading slump recently, which sucks. I've also started to listen to Rule by Jay Crownover. I have that book on my Kindle app, as a physical book and now audio book. I think I like it.. 
Wanting: to get better
Looking: at the television watching Supernatural, Season 3 episode...13. 
Playing: the Pandora premier of Parachute's new album Wide Awake. LOVING IT. 
Wasting: the night away doing absolutely nothing and it's awesome. 
Sewing: absolutely freaking nothing. I can't sew at all. 
Wishing: for patience
Enjoying: the silence
Waiting: to be a grown-up
Loving: my family and friends unconditionally 

Hoping: to manage my finances better. 
Marveling: at how things can go wrong so quickly, but then turn themselves around. 

Needing: a sign that everything will be okay. 
Smelling: my cough drops. 
Wearing: sweatpants because why not. 
Noticing: how bad my throat hurts without a cough drop in my mouth. 
Knowing: I’ve got to get my act together some time. 
Thinking: I need to catch up on my reading. 
Feeling: just icky. 
Bookmarking:  everything. 
Opening: myself up to new experiences
Feeling: like utter crap. I hate being sick. 

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