Friday, May 18, 2012

A secret

Even as I'm re-reading this, I'm tempted to delete it. Honestly? I'm afraid of what people will think of me. It might seem like I'm the kind of person who lets stuff just roll off my back. I usually am. But there are a few things about me I keep very close to the chest, afraid of what people will actually think about me once they find out what it is. This is one of them. But I think it's something that I need to get out. So, here it is. One of my close-kept secrets. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Once a month

That is seriously all I ever post. Once a stupid month. 
I really have goals for myself when it comes to blogging. 
"I will do one every week" 
"I just have to do it more often. This is ridiculous" 

But do I ever do it? No. 
The usual excuses come to mind: I'm too busy, too forgetful.. blah blah blah 
The real reason? I feel like I don't have a lot to say. 

I'm not going to go all emotional and stuff on you, so don't worry about that. 
I am literally so exhausted so my brain is shut off. Like - not functioning anymore. 
You have no idea how many times I've hit the backspace button already, and 
I've barely typed anything. I live a sad life, what can I say? 

So, I have this Google Drive thingy-ma-jing now on my phone/computer and 
I type little snippets of stuff on there whenever they come to me. 
I only have two things on there right now, but I thought I'd share them with you. 

1) I recently attended my cousin's son's firsf birthday party. Seeing my cousin take on the job of motherhood is simply amazing, but it also makes me realize how we all have grown up and are adults now. We all have our own lives, own jobs and responsibilities. Its crazy because I remember when my cousins and I were little and we would have so much fun together. I would go over to my aunt and uncle's house and we would all play barbies in their basement. We would play hide and seek on their farm and pet the cows. My other cousins would visit from Minnesota every holiday and it would be so special. Now, they never come down. I haven't seen or heard from them in over a year, I think. One cousin lives 3.5 hours away in Southern Iowa with her husband and son, one lives in Des Moines (with her fiance) and the other goes to school in Indianola. Its been awhile since we have all been together, in one place all at once. I miss it.

This is hilarious. Seriously. Read it. Are you reading it?
They are all true. I think. 
Being an adult is not everything it's cracked up to be. When I was little, all I had to worry about was which Generation Girl I wanted to be in my group of friends, which Polly Pocket I wanted to play with that night and how many girls did I want to invite to my birthday party. Now, I worry about how I'm going to pay all of my bills (on time) and afford to fix my car, why does gas have to be so expensive, the unrest overseas, war, am I ever going to move out parents' house, should I get a second job.. things like that. I miss being a kid. I miss the fun I had, the laughter, the free-ness. High school and college? Don't even get me started on the things I miss from those days. Don't even. I could write three blog posts about it.

2) **I recently went to some stock car races and this little book starter popped into my head. This is literally how some of my stories start, with just a sentence or two**
Its Friday night and I am in my favorite place in the whole world. No, not the football field or out in a bar. It's better.

As I sit in the bleachers, the low roar of the crowd gets me excited, the adrenaline flowing. Everyone is waiting for that green light. Then it happened.

The rumble of engines hits me down to the bones. My seat shakes and my teeth rattle as modified engines groan under pressure.

I think it has potential. I will make it awesome. Don't worry. You'll get updates. My other story? Well, it took a back seat when I got a job and tried to get my life together. Now that it's sort of together, I'll start it again. I'll write two at once! Don't think I can? Mmhmm. Just you wait. 

What else is on my mind? A special trip I have planned to see one of my very best friends. The other is coming back from England soon and I couldn't be more excited about that if i tried. I miss all of my friends. Lots of other things but I can't put words to them right now because of the whole "brain shut off" thing I've got going on. I'll keep you updated.. MORE THAN ONCE A MONTH. 

Til then.