Saturday, July 23, 2011

Happy 75th to me!

It's kind of a weird milestone to celebrate, but I'm doing it anyway.
This is my 75th blog post. Hurray!
I'm just in shock that I keep doing it, though it's not as regular as I would like.
I usually start blogs, then forget about them and never post again.
But not this one. This one is special.

To celebrate.. I guess.. I'm doing a blog about me, myself, and I.
Not like the other posts aren't about me.
But this one is just me.
I hope you feel you'll know me a little bit better after this one.

*Clears throat*
Hello there. My name is Morgan Faye and I am 23 years old. Nice to meet you.
Pull up a chair and be prepared to be amazed.
No, I don't do magic tricks. Stop asking.

25 Random Facts About Myself 
1. One thing that people seem to remember about me - I freaking hate pizza. I've been called a traitor to my country and un-American. Fun fact haters, pizza is Italian. And I'm German. So bite me :) 
2. I've never really known what color my eyes are. I was always jealous when I noticed someone's eyes and they were a distinct color, mine are not. When I was little, they were more blue, now they're more green/hazel. I know it sounds like something stupid to think about, but I can't help it. It bothers me.  
3. My favorite color is teal or turquoise, if you want to be fancy. It's actually the color of my car.  
4. I believe in ghosts. 100%. Don't judge me. 
5. I'm terrified of bugs and spiders. Either dead or alive.  
6. I love reading books. I'm addicted. I can't stop buying them and reading them. It's been my dream to write my own book. I will do it too. Damn it. 
7. Sleeping is one of my favorite things to do, despite the fact that I will always sacrifice it for a good book. Or in college, a night out with friends, studying for a test or doing homework or writing a paper or watching movies.. no one sleeps in college.  
8. I have one tattoo on my left foot. It says love in the shape of a heart. I love it. My friend says that they are addictive and at first I was like.. pssh no they're not. Nope, she was right. I want another one.  
9. My favorite season is fall. I don't really know why. Everything's dying. But it's just so.. fall. It just has this smell, the air is so crisp.. When I watch the leaves fall to the ground, it just feels like life is shedding it's imperfections, though there's nothing perfect about life. It just gives me that feeling. It's very refreshing.  
10. I have a very nasty habit. I bite my nails. I try so hard not to, but I can't help it. I've been doing it since I was a little kid.  
11. I'm super blind, hence the glasses. My lenses are so thick, it's ridiculous. Without them, I would just wonder around aimlessly.  
12. I love cleaning, but I'm also really messy. I know, it doesn't make sense. I just get these urges to clean things and so I do. But then it's usually messy the next day. I just can't win.  
13. I consider myself a movie buff. I've often spent rainy days curled up inside watching movies. I don't know how one becomes a movie critic, but sign me up for that. I'd do it in a heart beat.  
14. Seriously, I'm one of the most forgetful people ever. Just now, I put down my favorite pen, it's a Sharpie pen, and I was using it to right down my ideas. Now, I lost it. I forgot where I put it! I hate it when that happens. 
15. Deep down inside, I have a fear that I have no talent, despite what people tell me. They can preach to me all night and day but it won't do any good. Some days, I just feel.. blah.  
16. I'm a gamer. I <3 video games. When I was little, I would also sneak into my brother's room and play his Playstation. I'd play football, baseball, and Laura Kroft, Tomb Raider. I always felt bad when I had to shoot a wolf though. 
17. When I watch scary movies (which I do often), I'm more aware of my surroundings. I hear every noise, see every shadow. I think it's because I have a really active imagination, I can see these things that could happen to me, in my head.  
18. I'm really family oriented. I love every single one of my crazy family members, despite their drama filled lives. I wouldn't trade them in for anything.  
19. I love garage sales. Especially when I can buy good books for 25 cents.
20. I'm single and I'm not afraid of it. I know women who define themselves based on the men in their lives and it drives me crazy. You don't have to depend on a man to be happy. You don't have to have a boyfriend every minute of every day. I just wish they would open their eyes and see that they can be alone and not be lonely. 
21. I love technology as much as the next dude. But seriously, when people text in movie theatres, I go ballistic. Are you that freaking important?! Put the phone on silent for two hours, it won't kill you. Also, people who text constantly drive me crazy. Am I not interesting enough to hold your attention? That probably makes me sound like an old lady.  
22. One of the things I'll miss about college is going school shopping. I love buying office supplies. I don't know why, but I love buying pens, pencils, notebooks. It's addicting. I won't my own office so I can go buy supplies for it.  
23. I love the weather. Rain, wind, sleet, thunder, lightning, storms. Loooove so much. I'm going to go be a trained weather spotter when I finally settle down on a place to live. I really want to. 
24. I have serious road rage. I just can't help it, there are some really stupid drivers out there. Yesterday I had seven cars pull out in front of me throughout the day. Is my car invisible? It's bright teal for crying out loud! 
25. I like both Harry Potter AND Twilight. Whoa.

There they are, 25 random facts about myself. It should have been 75 but I'm not that interesting. 

That's it for this celebratory post. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll leave you with my favorite comic strip - Get Fuzzy. This is actually one of my favorites .. comic? strip? episode? I think you catch my drift.. 

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