Monday, June 14, 2010

Senior Year reflection

The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.
-Andy Warhol.

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I had gone to a different college. I wouldn't have the amazing friends that I have. I feel like I would be a completely different person.

I had a best friend all throughout school. We were inseparable, bffs if you will. Senior year came along and a decision was made. We were going to colleges 2 hours a part. It may not sound like much, but really it is. When we were so used to being together all the time, suddenly we were not anymore.

She went to a big state university, I went to a small private college. Initially I had wanted to go where she went, but decided that it wasn't the type of atmosphere I wanted. There, students are just a number. Where I am, I matter. My professors know me by name. It's small and I love it.

At first, we called, texted, but never visited. I never had a good weekend where I could come visit her and vice versa. Our breaks were different. My car was a piece of crap. We both had jobs.

Finally, I got a chance to visit her and stay for the weekend Freshman year. It was.. well.. sort of awkward. We didn't have the same friends anymore. We didn't really have anything to talk about. It was fun, but I really missed her.

I still miss her. I see her about once or twice a year. I haven't been back to see her since, and she hasn't visited me either, since Freshman year. It's really sad.

We're going to be seniors, then going off on our own paths to different places. The way we're going now, I might never see her again. I hope I do, I still consider her my best friend. But we're different people now.

I know I am. I'm not the same person I was when I was 18. I've grown up, matured, leveled out. I really got to know myself and I've learned a lot. If I had gone to her school with her, like I wanted to originally, I don't think I'd be this person.

I'd probably be an alcoholic, my grades would suck, I would not be me.

No matter how hard life gets here, I know I made the right choice. This is where I was supposed to be, right here. I have made friends that will last a lifetime. I got a fantastic education.

I just wish friendships would fade...

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