Friday, June 18, 2010

I have no fun fact today

Surprise! I have no fun fact nor do I have a picture. Oh well.
That's mostly because I'm at work. That's right, guess who has a job!
Well, I sort of gave that away now didn't I?

I work for a professor of mine, sort of for the Archives too.
What do I do, you may ask.
Turns out I scan pictures into this computer I'm on.
I write down the name of the file, describe the picture, put a number on it, and put it back in it's file.
I have a whole file cabinent full of pictures to do. A thousand pictures, most likely.
It's a fun job, I get to look at fun pictures and learn about the past of a local radio station.
I like history, because I'm strange.
Also, I get to wander around the Archives, looking at old stuff while the pictures are scanning.
Or do my homework. Or Facebook. Or blog!

I got to thinking about today's world, and what the future will be like.
What will Archives look like in the future, looking back on my generation?
Will there be file cabinents full of old photos? Or old memory cards?
Some of the stuff in here is awesome, like old microphones and video cameras.
What are those going to look like?

All of this goes through my head as I check out the old things that Wartburg keeps in it's archives. It's so interesting!

That's what is inside my head today.
Oh, and that it's raining/storming and I love me some thunderstorms.
Oh and it's Friday! I have a birthday party tonight. My niece turned five yesterday and tonight she's having a magician, cotton candy, and balloon animals! I'm probably as excited as she is! Ha..
I like to think of it as a joint birthday party. Her birthday was yesterday, my brother's is tomorrow (19), and mine is on Monday (21). I'll be 22! Bah! My friend's birthday is today. Another friend's was Wednesday (16). Seriously, this is kind of ridiculous!

Anyway, I should go back to work :)

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