Tuesday, May 11, 2010

At least 25% of adults suffer from insomnia, but over 18 million prescriptions are written every year for sleeping pills

Insomnia has kicked in for me. It's officially 12:30 and I'm still awake.
This is quite unfortunate.
I just get these nights where I can't even begin to fall asleep
There's just too much going on in this brain of mine to actually fall asleep.
So much stuff to do, so little time.. you know?
But then there are some nights where I just sleep like a baby.
What is up with that? I need consistency. I need a routine!

I've looked up some ways to help cure insomnia.
I have to see if they actually work. I'm hoping, because I really do enjoy sleep.
http://www.well.com/~mick/insomnia/ I think this is someone else's blog.
I find it weird to blog about someone else's blog. What if they're wrong? Then I'm passing false information around the inter-web. It's a conundrum. (I just like that word).

So, this mick character gives a lot of suggestions. Some I'm like, well yeah. Duh.
But really..
"To help you sleep after a high stress day, lie down with a hot water bottle on your stomach, close your eyes and breath deeply, so the bottle rises and falls. We carry a lot of tension there and the weighted heat releases it."
I'm not doing that. Nope. That's just weird.
Another says "Sex Alone or with Another Person." Uh.. what? Of course, the link wouldn't work so I couldn't read what that was all about. Sex makes you tired, yes. But I'm not going to go sleep with someone just because I can't.. well.. sleep.

I found a more legit article. It's written by Laurie Pawlik -Kienlen from suite101.com
I think one of my biggest issues is that I drink a lot of caffeine throughout the day.
That doesn't really affect me at the time, but obviously it does at night. I'm wired right now, and I have to get up at 8:00.. eesh.

Also, it could be due to the fact that I slept in this morning, since my class was delayed an hour and a half. That should make that much a difference, right?

I find it hard to believe that only 25% of adults have "insomnia." What I find funny is that over 18 million prescriptions are written a year for sleeping pills. That 25% are real pill poppers..

Sleep is important. I'm pretty sure without it, we'd die. I know I'd be extremely crabby. No one wants that. To spare those poor souls I have to see tomorrow, I must get some sleep since it is now 12:49 and it's getting later by the second.
Okay, yeah that was a bad joke. I know this.
Want to hear another one?

What do you get if you cross an insomniac, an agnostic, and a dyslexic?
Someone who stays up all night wondering if there really is a dog.

Yeah, it took me a minute too.

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