Saturday, April 17, 2010

Untitled because I have no time to be clever

I find this quite humorous...

One word sums up how I'm feeling today.
I know it's coming, it does the same time every year and yet
I still don't do anything until that last minute.
Must be the college student in me.
In high school, I was such a good student. I was usually ahead
on all my work. Where did that me go?

Come back overachieving me! I miss you :(

I'm listening to Owl City, which I've decided is my feel good music.
The beats and his voice really calm me down.
"Hello Seattle, I am a albatross on the docks and row boats."
What's not to like?

Enough gibber gabber, I must go back to work. I have to read two
and a half more chapters of "The End of Poverty" by Jeffrey Sachs.
It's interesting, but I hate that I have to read it.
I don't like being told what to do >.<

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