Monday, February 15, 2010

4.93.6% of Twitter profiles have less than 100 followers and 92.4% follow less than 100 profiles

I am part of that statistic, sadly. I have exactly....30 followers and following 64 people, most of whom are celebrities and athletes because I'm creepy.
Oh yes, I am a Twitter-er.. Tweeter.. well whatever. I enjoy it.
And you know, I really don't know why. Summing up my thoughts in 140 words or less
is kind of a fun challenge.
I think that the popularity of Twitter will grow. It's fun, do it.. everyone else is.. *peer pressure*
Okay just kidding..

Today is February 15th, the day after Valentine's Day. And yes, I went another year without a Valentine. Guess what? I'm okay with it.
But I did get to go see the movie "Valentine's Day" and it was really good. It was just so.. happy and it put me in a good mood. I don't know if people expected it to be serious or something, but I don't understand why it's getting so many mixed reviews. People, it was good! And a good date movie, not that I would know.

I experienced my first Waterloo Black Hawk game of the season. I'm a little behind, I know this, but it's better late than never right? Yeah, I know, not all the time.
But still, hockey is so much fun to watch live. On TV, it's not as fun. Which I feel is the same for all sports, but whatever. They won, in case you were wondering. 3-2 in overtime. There were no fights, which was disappointing. And I really like going for another reason: the cute guys! Ha, yeah I know this is a totally girly blah blah reason for going, but dang it, they are adorable.
(minus all the bruises and chipped teeth and blood).

So I've been looking up YouTube videos and I've picked out a few of my favorites

Wii Fit Parady: my favorite part is 1:15
"The Wii Fit looks great with anything from IKEA.."

We Are The World-Artists for Haiti
We all must come together to help these people in their time of need.

And that's it for Monday's rendition of my random thoughts. I guess I have to go to work now. Who knows when I'll post next. Maybe when I have time.. yeah right.

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