I know right? Who would have thought French kissing could be a work out?
Learn something new every day right? True story.
I am officially on break now and couldn't be happier.
Currently, I'm wrapped up in a blanket, sipping hot chocolate and eating star cookies.
I was contemplating a nap, but thought against it.
Who naps?
Which brings me to another random story that happened yesterday..
Tuesday night I didn't get much sleep and woke up Wednesday exhausted.
Finals.. ugh
Plus it doesn't help that the guys that live below me listen to their TV like my granfather..
Max volume.
I got back to my room and wanted to nap. So I set my alarm for 12:45, just a power nap.
Turns out I didn't set my alarm
Woke up at 5:02. That is not a nap! That's like a mini coma!
I mean really, 5 hours..
Today is December 17th 2009. I looked up the "this day in history" and it turns out
today was the day that the Wright Brothers had their first successful flight in 1903
How awesome is that?
I want everyone (or anyone) who reads this blog to do me a favor and check out an acapella group called Straight No Chaser. I only have their Christmas CD but it's so good. I have an obsession with men's singing voices. I could listen to acapella for hours and not get bored.
Their Christmas Can-Can is the funniest Christmas song I've heard in awhile.
My fav Xmas song is Baby It's Cold Outside by Dean Martin.
Oh shoot, now I have to go. I must babysit my little nieces.
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