Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday: The fifth day of the week, following Wednesday and preceding Friday

That is the real definition of Thursday.
I looked it up.
I thought it would have something
interesting, but no.
It's just a day.
Unlike any other.

It's acutally my favorite day.
I don't have any classes.
Which is niiice.

There's just something about that word.
Thuuursday. It's just so..
You know.
There is no other word like it.
You can't rhyme it with other words.
It just is.

I think I'm drawing a blank.
Usually I have a funny story
or random thing to talk about.
I. have. nothing.

I guess I could talk about
Even though that's not fun
But it's what is on my mind.
I hate it.
I wish we could barter like in the
Old days with seashells and goats.
"I would like to buy that shoe."
"It will cost you three conch shells please."
And you just hand him three shells and
Be on your way.

Sadly no.
That is not the way it is.
Maybe I should talk to Barack about this.
Bring it up in our daily chats.
We Skype.
It's a fun time.
Sometimes Michelle pops in to say hi.

College should be free, in my opinion.
But noooo.
Tuition here is $35,000 a year!
That's so no right.
On so many levels.

I'm moving to Canada.
Do they have free college?
Still going to Canada though.
Don't ask why.
It's a "severe" adventure
(that was for you Nicole.. haha)

I have to depart now and be a good student
A.K.A. do homework.

Something to think about:
Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
— Spike Milligan

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