Thursday, September 10, 2009

College Day 2

Holy shitake mushrooms. I have officially begun my third year of college and
I about had a panic attack.

Okay, not that that is out of my system..
Classes started yesterday.
That morning, I had that jittery feeling, like "oh my god, I loove school.. I can't wait."
Well that went away quickly.
9:00 AM was Communication Design.
He read the whole damn syllabus to us. I can read, just so you know that.
I am not three years old thanks.
Oh Thomas Payne.. "T Pain"

Next class-History of Christianity.
Yeah, it's as boring as it sounds.
But there is a fun moment, about three weeks from now
I'm making a stain glass window!
I know right?
But Kit is the prof, which shouldn't be that bad.
She likes me.
I was once her advisee.
I'm going to need all the help I can get :S

Ah.. next? That would be Media Marketing and Management.
What a joy that is.
Awkward moment #1 Saul was sweating like crazy
Especially under his man boobs.
Good times.
Awkward moment #2 He has no idea how to run audio
We all (the 10 of us in the class) had to direct him
Uh.. you're the professor!
Figure it out!

Finally, the end of my day was work.
Which wasn't so bad
I cleaned..
and then I cleaned..
Oh and I cleaned.
Yup, for about 2 hours.
That's abooout it.
GOO MENSA! (aka cafeteria for non-wartburgers)

The rest of the night was filled with Ghost Hunters and Destination Truth.
I will someday marry Josh Gates
And go on awesome adventures with him
Someday we will find Big Foot together
It will be EPIC!
I can see it now. ..
Josh and I are standing side by side
His arm around my shoulder
My arm around his waist.
In his other hand holds the famous
Big Foot picture.
The furry beast is in the CIA headquarters, being investigated
Turns out he speaks English
Who would have thought?
He tells the world his story:

His father, the original Big Foot, was indeed part man, part ape.
His name was Prescott
Scott, which is what his friends called him,
fell in love with a wonderful woman named Sophia
Scott tragecially died in a fishing accident (a dam was involved)
and Sophia was devastated.
She was actually pregnant with his baby
Sweet, hairy, freakish baby Kyle.
After many years, he knew that the forest was his home
Just like his dad.
So when Kyle was 18, he left his precious mother and ventured
Out to the woods.

Which is where Josh and I come in, about twenty years later.
We set a trap (a nice one that doesn't hurt because I'm nice like that)
and wait...
and wait..
and wait..
for days!
Finally, success!
Kyle was trapped in our little set up
and finally!
We were famous!
Josh and I fell madly in love with one another and we all live happily ever after.
Kyle stays in a nice endangered animals sanctuary where Sophia can visit
He can be the ape/man he was meant to be.

And that is the story of our greatest discovery.
The end.

Today was a good day though.
I did nothing.
Poster Sale..
Meeting (homecoming)..
Project Runway..

The usual.

Tomorrow is indeed Friday and I am thanking God.

That is all. Hope you enjoyed by awesome story of Big Foot..

Quote of the Day:
"To fly, all you have to do is jump and avoid coming down."
-T. Payne (Comm Design Man)

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