Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Why Josh Gates is the perfect man

So, if you’re a loyal reader of this blog, you’ll remember a post that I wrote a long time ago (yeah, probably not. I won’t hold it against you if you have to look it up) I had a dream about Josh Gates. We hunted Big Foot together. It was amazing.

You don’t know who Josh Gates is? Well, God invented Google for a reason. Look him up. Quick-like. Okay, if you're too lazy to open a new tab, type in Google (or if you have Google Chrome, it's so much easier! I love me some Google Chrome. Just sayin'), I'll include a picture. 

He’s hot, right? Not like a.. preppy, perfect, metrosexual, manscaped way. But like a real man. Women don’t want a dude who spends more time on their appearance than we do. We (and by we I basically mean me) don’t a guy who is worried about his manicure or how his hair is out of place.

No. Quite a shocker, huh? I love men like Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler, and Josh Gates. A real manly man. Who can open jars and reach things up high and beat people up if I need them too (you don’t know when that will come in handy).

I drew this myself. I'm an artist, what can I say? 
Josh is really tall, like 6’3”, and sometimes towers over people. Especially if he’s investigating somewhere with a generally shorter population (cough cough, China). Imagine him walking in a mall in China and just standing a head above everyone else. I’m laughing really hard at the image. (see my drawing on the left) It’s great. And he’s not small either, like.. weight-wise. He’s a good sized guy and I love it. LOVE it.

I hate the producers of that show. Seriously, can we get more opportunities to see Josh shirtless because that would be great. Kthanx. Being the creeper than I am, I looked up shirtless pictures of him on Google. NOTHING! Damn it Josh, just take it off.

Also, a man won’t make it far with a woman unless he has a sense of humor. Josh definitely has one of those. The main reason I watch his show, Destination Truth (DT), is because of his commentary. And the way he interacts with the locals and makes fun of their crappy transportation (is that on purpose or do they just have really bad luck? Because seriously, they always drive the worst cars). His jokes aren't just funny, they’re smart and witty.  And it’s great. He is just so funny, I crack up the whole episode (well, until the end and then I get sad because it’s over).

Don’t get me started on his face. Okay, you did so know I’ll tell you what I think. It’s beautiful. Those eyes.. *sigh*. And that smile of his is just plain adorable. Look at it. How cute is that? He's just so excited to be holding that chicken! His beard? It’s fantastic. A lot of men can’t pull it off, but he can. I love that it’s red. That makes is just that much better.

Okay, this is getting kind of creepy. Well, actually, it got creepy basically in the first sentence. But come on, Josh seems like the perfect guy. Okay, not perfect, but pretty darn amazing. I’d take him in a heartbeat. I could be that girl he comes home to after a long investigation. I can see him coming home, putting his suitcase on the floor, his clothes still rumbled from the flight. I’m in the kitchen, making dinner...

Oh God, it got creepy again.

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