Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm waiting for Prince Charming

I grew up just like every other little girl. I loved watching Disney movies and seeing those princesses get rescues by a handsome prince. At one glance, they were instantly in love and during the whole movie, the prince had to save his princess from evil.

I think Taylor Swift was on to something when she sang "White Horse".
I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale. I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet. This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town. I was a dreamer before you went and let me down. Now it's too late for you and your white horse, to come around.
Well, I've seen a lot of guys in my life and I haven't had that one moment where I just knew that he was the one like Cinderella and Snow White did. I have been waiting for the eye contact, the spark, the music. Waiting for my Prince Charming to show up on his white horse and sweep me off my feet.

I must be reading too many romance novels because deep down I still believe that there is a guy out there for me, just one, and someday I'll find him. In a quirky, romantic way like they do in all the books I read. But logically I know that Prince Charming is not real.

Sorry girls, it's true. He does not exist. I'm not trying to sound cynical, but then again maybe I am.. a little. We are all looking for the same thing: a handsome, funny, smart, sweet, sensitive (but not too sensitive) man that will burst into our lives and save us from whatever evil is happening to us, be it an evil landlord or a wicked co-worker. Someone who'll love us for what's on the inside as well as the outside, on our good days and when our hair looks flat, make-up or no make-up. That about covers it, right? Well, God ladies, that's sort of hard to find!
I'm looking for that guy too. We all are. But how many of them are there? That aren't taken? That aren't gay? Yeah, we're getting into low numbers here. So what, the man your with isn't perfect, none of us are. Well, I'm done waiting.

 I'm not a princess and life is not a fairy tale. We have to understand that Prince Charming is not real (neither is Edward Cullen or Jacob Black) and move on with our lives. I know I can't wait any longer for my knight in shining armor to win my heart with his smile.

I'm not some love advice columnist, trust me on this. I've had such little luck with guys that I can't tell you anything about love. But I know enough about life to tell you like it is. I'm not going to hold anything back just because it doesn't sound nice.
As women, we can do one of two things. A) Keep wishing on shooting stars and hope things will change or B) Make the changes yourself. I understand that some things are harder than others, but you just can't sit around in your ivory tower and wait. Open that door, defeat that dragon and live your life.
But I still wish on stars, just in case. It never hurts.. right?

(If you're a guy, I'm not hating on you. You may be Prince Charming. Hell if I know)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 blog!

okay, so this is different! I'm on my phone, but it's not anything fancy like an iPhone or something. I'm kind of in shock. that explains the lack..sort of.. of capital letters. it takes to much effort.
I made a list of my favorite movies and wanted to