Sunday, November 22, 2009

My favorite season

**I've added a Christmas picture I found online (bottom), the middle is a decoration in our yard, and the top is last year's Christmas tree. We cut down our own tree at a tree farm**

So... I've been forgetful as you can see. 

It seems as though time has just slipped from my fingers. 
It is so not my fault and don't even think of blaming me. 
I am extremely busy and I don't really have time for anything. 
True story. 

Well, it's officially November and has been for 22 days now. 
Its the start of my favorite time of year. 
Fall/Winter and Christmas!
Oh I can't express how much I love Christmas. 
The snow, the lights, the decorations, the family. 
It just seems to make everyone happier.
And I love happy people. I love people in general. 
There's just something about this time of year that's..
Magical. There is no other word to describe it. 

But first, Thanksgiving must arrive. 
That is my second favorite holiday. 
Okay, so I love any time my whole family gets together. 
But still. 
We're breaking tradition and having it at my house at Thursday.
And then Saturday is at my grandma's with the WHOLE family. 
We're having some new additions on Thursday-my sister's boyfriend's sons. 
I'm hoping everything goes okay, but meeting new people is hard 
and they're just kids. 
My favorite Turkey Day food is indeed turkey. I know, cliche right? 
Oh well, get over it. I love turkey!

Friday is a totally different day. 
Black Friday.. dun dun dun. 
I couldn't be more excited to go shopping.. 
Like I have money to shop. 
That's besides the point. 
It's still Black Friday and I must attend. 
People think I'm crazy, but oh no my friends,
You are the crazy one for not going. It's a must. 
A tradition. 
A lifestyle. 
Ok so a lifestyle was pushing it. Oh well. 
I'm still totally stoked for it. 
I'll tell you about it after the day occurs. 
That's if I remember. :/

Break starts on Wednesday. 
The longest half week of my life starts tomorrow. 
I'm pretty sure I'm having quarter-life crisis. 
I just don't care about school right now. 
Maybe that's because I don't know what my future holds
and that scares the be-jeezus out of me. 
I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going. 
What I want to do, where I'm going to life. 
Sometimes I get so freaked out that I want to cry. 
But the I remembered that I don't cry. 
I'm becoming a business minor instead of Comm Design. 
I don't want to be a journalist, yes I'm a Print major. 
Uh.. that makes no sense. 
You see what my problem is? 
I love to write, but I don't want to be a journalist! 

Anyway, enough of that. 
Back to positive things. 
Well it seems like my arsenal of positivity is empty at the moment. 

Next time I blog, I'll add more pictures of our holiday adventures. 
Until then.. 

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