Monday, August 31, 2009


Ah, the blog that was lost but now found.
It seems I have forgotten about this blog, but I'm not surprised.
Sort of like a new toy, the one that I wanted so bad at Christmas. I would open it,
Play with it for about an hour, then forget about it completely.
I guess that's life.
Oh well, move on.
I am finally all moved into my new room.
I am in love. Seriously.
The main thing that I love is the window wall.
As I sit here typing, the morning sun is peeking through the blinds.
There is a beautiful view of.. N Lot.
But there are trees, so that's a plus.
Always a plus

Ha, I missed work today.
Completely by accident this time.
It's not my fault my alarm didn't go off when it was supposed to.
Or it could be..
Not that I mind or anything.

Which makes me wonder..
How many of my actions are subconscious?
Did I puposefully not set my alartm so I could miss work?
Or did I just forget..
Hmm.. Food for thought.

Do you believe that 6 degrees of seperation thing?
Well, today I do.
That girl that went missing in Cali for 18 years and showed up at the police station?
Turns out she is my roommate's aunt's best friend's niece.
I know right!
We're basically related.
When I see that story on the news now, it's personal.
How many degrees am I away from Johnny Depp?
Hmm.. Food for thought.

This is my website of the week:
There are so many weird stories of this website!
It keeps me occupied for hours!

My word of the day:
diktat , noun:
1. A harsh settlement unilaterally imposed on a defeated party.
2. An authoritative decree or order.

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