Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August. Woot.

It guess it is not time for my monthly post. You know, I have all these grand ideas in my head, what I want to write about, how often I want to write.. but then I never do. 


Okay, that was basically me yelling at myself. 

Unfortunately, this blog post will be short, due to the fact that it is currently 4:53 and I leave work in seven minutes. Seven! I am very excited by this, as you can tell with the appropriate pronunciation. 

Anywhozle, life is going as life goes. SUPER FREAKING FAST. I am in a state of shock, that August is more than half way over. Like, it just started Father Time, so slow your roll. 

It is now 4:55. MUST TYPE FASTER. 

Except when I type fast, I make more mistakes. Therefore, I have to delete more which takes up even MORE time, precious typing time. 

So yes, hello blog. I've miss you. Have you missed me? Probs not. It's okay, I don't hold it against you. 

What has been happening with my life, you ask? Well, let me tell you. 

I have been SUPER FREAKING BUSY these last few weeks, but I love it. I'd rather be busy then be sitting here day in and day out, sorting papers and listening to Justin Bieber on my iPod (though yes, that is what I do on my breaks). I have recently become a sports photographer and I LOVE IT. I have been to a total of one football game for work, but what a game it was! Okay, not really. My home team lost. Bad. But it was still awesome. To be on the sidelines, that close to the action! 

It is now currently 4:58. I must go. I know, this was so short. I'm sorry! I have to shut down my computer, gather my things, clock out and get the hell outta dodge... work... whatever. 


P.S. Look at my picture!

I took this picture. Me! I did it! I was very proud of myself. I didn't get run over or tackled (though yes, there were a few close calls) but it was awesome!!

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