Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I've been writing..

I wish my nails looked like that
Don't tell anyone. I'd like to keep it a secret.
Yeah, that's why I'm posting it on the Internet!
Secrets.. on the Internet.. that's ironic.
Or just stupid. Either way.

Yes, I've been writing this story that I thought of last summer.
It's been simmering in my head for a whole year
and it's driving me crazy.
I think the hardest part for me is organizing it.

I have so many ideas and thoughts and what not
that I can't actually sit down and write in order.                          
And trust me, its freakin' frustrating.

Well, I'll give you a little snippet of what I've written so far.

Chapter One - Return

I never imagined how much I missed the smell of fresh cut grass until I came back to town. Living in the big city, we didn't have lawns or dandelions, just concrete and crowded sidewalks. The smell wafted in through my open car window and brought back memories of hot summer days.

I didn't think I ever would come back, but here I was, driving down Main Street like I hadn't been gone for seven years. Trust me, seven years wasn't long enough. The town hadn't changed one bit. Two men were sitting outside the police station and deep in conversation. I would bet ten dollars they were talking about their crop yield and cattle conditions. That's what we talk about here in Iowa: farm stuff, the weather, and juicy gossip.

Growing up in a town this small wasn't easy. With less that 1,000 people, everyone knew everyone else's business. And that totally sucked. As a teenager, you couldn't get away with anything because someone always knew your parents. Or your grandparents. Or you siblings. It was ridiculous. Plus, there was nothing to do in this town but drink underage and vandalize buildings. I think it was like a right of passage, you couldn't graduate high school until you vandalized something. It seems just like yesterday, the one night that changed everything...

I shook my head and chased away the memories. I was in town for one reason and it wasn't a walk down memory lane. I navigated the car through the oh-so-busy downtown and towards the one place I didn't want to go. Home. Back to a place where I didn't belong.

The house appeared on the left hand side of the road, mocking me with its beauty. My parents had it painted a fresh coat of white and it was almost sparkling in the afternoon sunlight. The trees out front were bigger than I remembered and the tire swing was still there, gently swaying in the wind.

"Okay Andie, you can do this," I said to no one but the radio. "It's only a week. One week won't kill you." At least I hope it won't.

That's just a little intro to what I've been writing. Like I said, this has been living in my head for awhile now and I've finally decided to start writing it down. I think it's because I watched a Lifetime movie on J.K. Rowling the other night and it just inspired me to start. Of course, J.K. Rowling is an amazing storyteller and the way she overcame her situation is so inspiring. I'm in awe of the world that she created with just her imagination, a pen, and some paper. She didn't want to write to sell books and become famous, she wrote because she loves writing.

Okay, enough of my J.K.Rowling fangirl-ness. I could go on about my Joss Whedon fandom too, but I won't.  I'm going to continue to write just because I want to.

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