Monday, October 5, 2009

Life is just so..

Bench Poem

i sit on this bench
on a beautiful morning
the leaves fall around me
as the wind blows them from the tree
a swirling up in a frenzy, all around
they softly touch my face, gentle
soon the wind stops blowing
the leaves stop swirling
everything is still, quiet
i sit on this bench
So, it's finally October.
Which is my all time
Favortie month.
The weather is gorgeous.
The leaves are turning beautiful colors.
It makes non-poetic people
like me
Want to sit down and write a few verses.
I was sitting on a bench
This morning
And I took out a notebook and
Wrote a poem.
It's not very good, but it's there
Up there ^
I can't write poetry.
Trust me, I've tried.
Just never quite...


Today is Monday.
Just another Manic Monday.

I wish it was Sunday.

I've been battling a cold

For the past week.

No fun at all.
Of course there are
H1N1 jokes.
"Oh you have swine flu"
Blah blah blah

I do not.

I just have an extreme cough
and I can't laugh, then I cough
So, nothing funny for me.
Which is hard.
Everything is funnier when
You can't laugh.

I'm really excited
Because I'm crochetting again.
I've sort of missed it.
I bought some baby yarn
(it's really soft)
and I'm making myself
A hat.
It's going to be white
And fluffy.
And great.
I am so stoked.

Some weird thing just happened
In my room.
I heard a little boy singing.
There are no children.
Sort of freaked out right now.

I am totally in love with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Freaking awesome.
Bad news?
I watch it instead of doing homework.
And I'm missing two seasons
With no money to buy them.
Crapola sandwich.

I bought a new book yesterday
It's called Wings and I'm
So stoked to read it.
I seem to have a
Fasination with the supernatural.
Maybe I need help.
Or maybe I'm just really cool.
Yeah, I like number 2 also.

I have to skedadle.
I get to eat

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