Sunday, January 17, 2010

Figure skating was the first winter sport included in the Olympic Games when it appeared at the 1908 Summer Olympics in London

top left: the beautiful surprise ice skating rink
top right: a pretty shadow
bottom right: me and two of the greatest friends you could ask for :)
I would like to explain these awesome pictures to you, since they were taken by an awesome photographer.. me! I will after I talk about my great weekend! First of many this semester..

So, it was the first week of classes and I survived. I know, shocking right?
I don't really don't think they'll be that bad, but I'm sort of freaking about my business minor.
But I have learned that stressing out really doesn't do that much good
so I've cut bad on stress. It's not healthy.
Friday.. what did I do? Oh yes, I went shopping.
We were originally going out to eat and see the movie "Nine"
but that didn't happen. My roommate and I decided to stay in and have a girl's night
which turned into going shopping for a long time.
Came back with an awesome vest and fake nails.
And I'm pretty proud of myself for still having them on! But I work tomorrow which will be the true test of their strength and durability.

Saturday was a very long but fun day. My sister is getting married in September so we went wedding dress shopping.
Left at about 8:30 AM, got back around 6:30 PM.. yeah
But it was productive, since she found her dress and our bridesmaids' dresses.
That night was an ETK event, which basically rocked. A band called Lovesick Radio played for about an hour. I was sad because I thought (and wished) it would have been longer.

Oh well, right? The drummer was hot and that was nice :) We sat in the back and jammed out. They left the houselights up so I'm pretty sure they saw us make fools out of ourselves, but it was fun anyway. I bought their CD and am listening to it now actually. It's really good and I'd recommend it to those who like rock with pop influences. They're not afraid to play whatever they want and I really like that.

Today was great. Went shopping again and bought this kick-ass Rockband shirt for $2.19. Epic.
It was foggy and it looked extremely pretty out. So two friends and I went out to take pictures.
I took a lot and it was a ton of fun. We discovered this awesome ice rink on the frozen river and it was so beautiful. I seriously want to go back tomorrow. It was getting really dark and the fog was thick. It was peaceful and quiet..
I felt like a little kid. I have never been ice skating in my life and this was sort of my introduction. I liked it that no one else was there and we could enjoy it ourselves.

I wish I knew how to actually ice skate so I could do it there. I can't even describe to you how gorgeous it was and how much fun we had there. I loved it.

Tomorrow is MLK Day and our classes are shortened in honor of one of the most influenctial figures in the black rights movement. I think classes should be cancelled in general, but my opinion does not matter! It's a day to remember how far we've come in equality and to never take our rights and freedoms for granted. People have put their lives on the line to give us the life that we live today.

Sorry, I guess I'm feeling philosphical today. Strange, that rarely happens. I guess the serenity of the ice rink really got to me. I really can't express out beautiful it was. I have a smile on my face just thinking about it. I seriously felt like a kid in candy shop when we discovered it.

I'm going to go and work on editing picture that we took that day. If you're lukcy, I'll put more on here. But I'm still figuring out how to work this thing so who knows!