Monday, October 5, 2009

I forgot to tell you something awesome!!

So, I went on Google today.
Typed in "Where is Chuck Norris"
and clicked I'm Feeling Lucky.
Google then proceeded to tell me
Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you
Run, before he finds you
Try a different person


Life is just so..

Bench Poem

i sit on this bench
on a beautiful morning
the leaves fall around me
as the wind blows them from the tree
a swirling up in a frenzy, all around
they softly touch my face, gentle
soon the wind stops blowing
the leaves stop swirling
everything is still, quiet
i sit on this bench
So, it's finally October.
Which is my all time
Favortie month.
The weather is gorgeous.
The leaves are turning beautiful colors.
It makes non-poetic people
like me
Want to sit down and write a few verses.
I was sitting on a bench
This morning
And I took out a notebook and
Wrote a poem.
It's not very good, but it's there
Up there ^
I can't write poetry.
Trust me, I've tried.
Just never quite...


Today is Monday.
Just another Manic Monday.

I wish it was Sunday.

I've been battling a cold

For the past week.

No fun at all.
Of course there are
H1N1 jokes.
"Oh you have swine flu"
Blah blah blah

I do not.

I just have an extreme cough
and I can't laugh, then I cough
So, nothing funny for me.
Which is hard.
Everything is funnier when
You can't laugh.

I'm really excited
Because I'm crochetting again.
I've sort of missed it.
I bought some baby yarn
(it's really soft)
and I'm making myself
A hat.
It's going to be white
And fluffy.
And great.
I am so stoked.

Some weird thing just happened
In my room.
I heard a little boy singing.
There are no children.
Sort of freaked out right now.

I am totally in love with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Freaking awesome.
Bad news?
I watch it instead of doing homework.
And I'm missing two seasons
With no money to buy them.
Crapola sandwich.

I bought a new book yesterday
It's called Wings and I'm
So stoked to read it.
I seem to have a
Fasination with the supernatural.
Maybe I need help.
Or maybe I'm just really cool.
Yeah, I like number 2 also.

I have to skedadle.
I get to eat