Monday, June 28, 2010

Color has the ability to influence our feelings and emotions in a way that few other mediums can.

I love color. I love wearing fun colors (well, not pink). I love coloring, drawing, flowers, nature.. anything that involves color. But wait, colors have meaning? Whoa!

I found this website just Googling around (hehe) and I found it to be quite interesting. You should read it. Just sayin'.

Currently I am at work, but technically I'm on a break. I'm eating my new favorite candy, Peanut Butter M&M's. I forgot how awesome these were. I like to separate them into colors, then eat them in their color groups. I also do that with Skittles, but that's more important because each color is a different flavor. My favorite is the red skittle. Mmm. Currently there are 6 groups of M&M's scattered on my desk. It adds a little bit of color to my otherwise boring desk.

I start with the color with the least in it. In this bag, it's yellow. Sadly there were only 3. Next is blue, with 4. Red has 5. Brown has 6. There's a tie for first, orange and green both have 8. If that happens, then I eat my least favorite color first. That would be orange. Green is the winner for this bag!

Anyway, that was random. Sorry about that. Today is an absolutely beautiful day. It's not too hot and it's not humid! It's the kind of weather I wish was year-round. Sadly, in Iowa, the weather is a little.. bi-polar, if you will. One day it's hot, the next it's cold. I have yet to put my sweatshirts away because I know Iowa. It's testy.

I have officially been 22 for a whole week now. I feel no different, I sometimes forget that I'm 22 and not 21. What's the difference? Nothing but a year.

My advice for the day?
Age is just a number. You're only as young (or old) as you feel. Don't worry about aging. Hey guess what, everyone does it! I'm glad I'm not the only one :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

I have no fun fact today

Surprise! I have no fun fact nor do I have a picture. Oh well.
That's mostly because I'm at work. That's right, guess who has a job!
Well, I sort of gave that away now didn't I?

I work for a professor of mine, sort of for the Archives too.
What do I do, you may ask.
Turns out I scan pictures into this computer I'm on.
I write down the name of the file, describe the picture, put a number on it, and put it back in it's file.
I have a whole file cabinent full of pictures to do. A thousand pictures, most likely.
It's a fun job, I get to look at fun pictures and learn about the past of a local radio station.
I like history, because I'm strange.
Also, I get to wander around the Archives, looking at old stuff while the pictures are scanning.
Or do my homework. Or Facebook. Or blog!

I got to thinking about today's world, and what the future will be like.
What will Archives look like in the future, looking back on my generation?
Will there be file cabinents full of old photos? Or old memory cards?
Some of the stuff in here is awesome, like old microphones and video cameras.
What are those going to look like?

All of this goes through my head as I check out the old things that Wartburg keeps in it's archives. It's so interesting!

That's what is inside my head today.
Oh, and that it's raining/storming and I love me some thunderstorms.
Oh and it's Friday! I have a birthday party tonight. My niece turned five yesterday and tonight she's having a magician, cotton candy, and balloon animals! I'm probably as excited as she is! Ha..
I like to think of it as a joint birthday party. Her birthday was yesterday, my brother's is tomorrow (19), and mine is on Monday (21). I'll be 22! Bah! My friend's birthday is today. Another friend's was Wednesday (16). Seriously, this is kind of ridiculous!

Anyway, I should go back to work :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Senior Year reflection

The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.
-Andy Warhol.

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I had gone to a different college. I wouldn't have the amazing friends that I have. I feel like I would be a completely different person.

I had a best friend all throughout school. We were inseparable, bffs if you will. Senior year came along and a decision was made. We were going to colleges 2 hours a part. It may not sound like much, but really it is. When we were so used to being together all the time, suddenly we were not anymore.

She went to a big state university, I went to a small private college. Initially I had wanted to go where she went, but decided that it wasn't the type of atmosphere I wanted. There, students are just a number. Where I am, I matter. My professors know me by name. It's small and I love it.

At first, we called, texted, but never visited. I never had a good weekend where I could come visit her and vice versa. Our breaks were different. My car was a piece of crap. We both had jobs.

Finally, I got a chance to visit her and stay for the weekend Freshman year. It was.. well.. sort of awkward. We didn't have the same friends anymore. We didn't really have anything to talk about. It was fun, but I really missed her.

I still miss her. I see her about once or twice a year. I haven't been back to see her since, and she hasn't visited me either, since Freshman year. It's really sad.

We're going to be seniors, then going off on our own paths to different places. The way we're going now, I might never see her again. I hope I do, I still consider her my best friend. But we're different people now.

I know I am. I'm not the same person I was when I was 18. I've grown up, matured, leveled out. I really got to know myself and I've learned a lot. If I had gone to her school with her, like I wanted to originally, I don't think I'd be this person.

I'd probably be an alcoholic, my grades would suck, I would not be me.

No matter how hard life gets here, I know I made the right choice. This is where I was supposed to be, right here. I have made friends that will last a lifetime. I got a fantastic education.

I just wish friendships would fade...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's this? A connection?

Like I've said in previous entries, my parents have no internet. This is really unfortunate for an internet addict such as myself.
And on top of not having internet, they rearranged the living room and my wireless internet spot has been taken over by a giant entertainment center. Again, quite unfortunate.
So I was doing my accounting homework on the dining room table and my laptop suddenly got the internet! Huzzah!

This should probably be brief, who knows the connection could go away! That would be terrible. I can't help it I'm an Internet junkie. I love it.
I guess I really didn't have anything to talk about. So far I'm having a boring summer. I don't have a job because no one will hire me. So I go to class, come home and do some homework, and then do nothing. I don't have any money to do anything and I refuse to borrow from my parents. That leaves me with a boring social life. Everyone is so far away! Bah!

The funny thing is is that I'm practically laying on the table. The connection is on the other side, but only when my laptop is facing me. If I turn it around, it goes away. I've tried. So I have to lean all the other on the other side of the table and type. I'm basically falling asleep.

God I'm boring. I couldn't even find a fun picture, that's how lame and boring I am.
Don't interrupt my pity party. It's just getting started. But don't leave, I'll get you some punch first.