Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The first CD that was pressed in the U.S. was Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA

That's my niece. She was my model that day. The assignment for my photography class was to make a montage. I decided to make one that had a message and this one is pretty clear. It's called 'What are your children listening to?'

Music is a big part of my life. Seriously, I don't know what I would do without it.
I feel like the quality of music has definitely gone down. My niece is four, going on five, and I don't like that certain music is available for her to listen to. The lyrics in this picture are from songs by Snoop Dogg and the Notorious B.I.G, two rappers known for degrading women and talking about doing drugs and alcohol.

I'm not talking about censoring music or anything. But I just feel like the bar has been lowered. Anything is considered good music these days when in reality, it's really not that good. It's more annoying. Does anyone else feel this way?

Music is important, but it's just the crap that gets through and becomes popular. Oh, don't get me started on Justin Bieber, Miley, of the song Imma Bee.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Empty swings

Empty swings
Originally uploaded by MookieFaye
I took this picture in the city park in my hometown. It was on a day where there were no children there at all and it freaked me out. Parks are fun when they're full of life, but when they're empty.. they're creepy.

Like these swings for instance. They sit there, waiting for a child to sit and play, patiently waiting.
And they swing in the breeze. Like the wind is mocking them. Someone should be swinging, but they're not. There are no children here..

That day was very much a fall day. It was crisp and the wind cut through your sweatshirt and chilled you to the bone. Yeah, that kind of wind.
It was evil.

This picture is edited, it didn't look like this outside.
Photography happens to be a hobby of mine.. now I only need a better camera..

Monday, March 22, 2010

Alaska: North to the Future

And people wonder why I want to go to Alaska so badly.
Well, with views like that, who wouldn't?
I don't mind the snow and cold either, so that's a plus.

Today is Monday. Blah.
But the fun thing is I didn't really have a case of the Monday blues
because it was so dang BEAUTIFUL outside.
Gorgeous really.
And that means it's flip flop season. Woohoooooo!
I know, I'm completely crazy. I've known this for awhile now, you see.

Anything new going on?
But I don't want to talk about it.

Did I mention the weather? Oh.. I did.
Hm.... how about the health care bill?
I don't care about that either.
Crap. I'm boring today.

Which is unfortunate.
So, since I'm boring, I guess I'll be going.

Until later, my friends.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

There is no title

All I can say is that I'm having.. probably one of the worst days ever.
And it's not even over.
And there's still tomorrow!


RIP Morgan Faye Bergmann. She lived a short, but fulfilling life. She died because she was over stressed and over worked.. aka she was a college student. Morgan was born and raised in a small town, with a (somewhat) normal family. But as soon as she traveled to college, Morgan lost her mind. She will be missed.
June 21, 1988-March 4, 2010. Yeah, I died today.
(if I actually do die maybe in a car crash or something.. talk about weird..)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A baby's giggle is the most non-brand addictive sound in the world

I am not lying. According to this website (http://www.fastcompany.com/article/the-most-addictive-sounds-in-the-world-advertising-neuromarketing), it's true. The most "branded" addictive sound in the world is the Intel theme whatever.
I just find that weird. I feel like this article isn't really that correct.
A) How did the Monday Night Football theme not get on here
B) It shouldn't say "in the world." Maybe in the U.S. but I don't think people in other countries are addicted to the national anthem.. just a thought

Anyway, I'm currently sitting in my favorite booth in the Den, next to these two
foreign students. Do you ever get the feeling that people are talking about you?
Yeah, I am definitely feeling that now. I don't understand a word they are saying
(I'm pretty sure it's Japanese)
And they keep looking at me. I don't like it.
But have you ever felt that way? You can just tell.
Like, when you walk into a room/group and they all stop talking.
Obviously they were just talking about you or something you shouldn't here.
Otherwise, why would they have stopped?

Another one of my biggest pet peeves is when I email someone
and then they don't email me back for days!
Honestly, who doesn't check their email everyday?
Especially a college student! I check mine all the time.
Even on my phone! Come on people. It's important.
Speaking of which.. I have to send an email..

Ha! I understood Tokyo! Sorry, I'm still eavesdropping
Oh shoot, now they're leaving. Now my entertainment is gone.
I had just started to make a conversation for them, and now they have departed.
What's funny is that they are both in a class of mine, but I never actually
realized that they speak Japanese, even though they are both from Japan.
Go me.

So, who's excited for break?! Yeah, me too.
I am so happy that it's only three days away.
But the bad thing is that I have a test on Friday.
And I have two papers to write over break.
One is fifteen pages. The other is five.

Oh my goodness, I was in SUCH a bad mood yesterday.
Which is shocking, since I'm never in a bad mood. I'm usually happy.
But not yesterday. I blame it on my lack of sleep (I didn't get to bed until 5:30 Monday morning and woke up at 7:30...yeah)
I skipped two classes and then I had to work.. blah.
And people just make me so angry at work. Especially those football players
that come in right at 5:15. They make so sooo annngrrryy.. They make
such a frickin' mess and they think they own the place.
Oh yes, I hate them.
Don't you ever just wake up mad at the world sometimes?
Or am I the only one?
I woke up and I was just like.. I hate everything and everyone.
It's a good thing no one really talked to me
or that could have been bad... eek.

I have yet to find a layout I like for this blog.
I just keep changing it and changing it and changing it.
But I can't help it.
I'm indecisive okay? Don't judge me.

Hmm, what else to talk about?
Oh yes, the WEATHER! Oh my dear Lord have you been outside today?
(Okay so in Iowa, it's fabulous. Other places, not so much).
It's gorgeous! I do believe it got up to about 40 today and it's like summer!
Yeah, not quite, but hot DOG it was nicer than it has been.
And the sun is shining. And the snow is melting.
Now, don't get me wrong. I luurve snow.
But enough is enough, you know?
And this is coming from someone whose goal in life is to live in Alaska for a year.
Yeah, I'm crazy. I know this .
You're probably wondering, why Alaska?
Well, there are numerous reasons.
A) the gorgeous scenery
2) Hot lumberjacks ... hopefully
3) snow
4) because it's ALASKA!
and E) I like wearing winter gear

I just saw children walk by. It kind of freaks me out when children appear
at a non-child setting, like college.
"I hate when my hair gets to be in each one bit."
What does that even mean??
"I saw him go up to her and be like... 'I like you.' and then she's like 'ugh, go away.'"
"For reals? What did he do?"
"He freakin' kissed her!"
Oh little children drama. Okay, by little I mean.. maybe 13. Or maybe tall 10 year olds.
Who knows these days?

Oh no, I have a new guest. She looks angry and she's carrying this HUGE backpack.
Haha, I love creppin' on people.
So she pulled out this book, but sadly I can not see the cover.
Maybe she won't notice if I slowly look over my computer at her and then quickly look back.
I'm sort of slouching, so it'll just look like I'm sitting up straighter...
Nope, crap. She noticed. We made eye contact.
Crap crap crap. Abort mission.