Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Beginning of Nothing

Ah my first blog-oh shoot, that means my blogging virginity has been taken.
-Oh Snap-
First off, I'd like to say that I have absolutely no idea what to do on this thing. Seriously, I am very technologically challenged-not a good thing. I'm a Communication Arts major, which basically requires me to use it my entire life.
I was talking to a friend of mine this afternoon about our technology skills. I apparently said something funny:
Me -"I don't know how to run a computer. I just open it, send emails, use the internet, and write with the Word."
My friend Jake-"Wait, the word? You just sounded like my grandma!"
He laughed at me for a good five minutes, in the middle of this place called the "Info Center" and a bunch of tour groups were walking by; they see him laughing at me and I'm just standing there with a stern look in my face. Quite the experience.. not.
Anyway, back to what I was saying, which was.. Ah yes. Technology. It seems like there is something new everyday. I just learned on Tuesday [which would be yesterday] that there is a new iPod that talks to you. Don't believe me? Check it out:
Hmm.. any other thoughts on my mind? Well, there's the economy. Ha, yeah. I pretend like I know what's going on so I can "participate" in my Politics class, but really I know nothing. Something with AIG happened and everyone's pissed. I got nothin'. But I do know that my school isn't allowing as many off campus applications because they're afraid the incoming freshman class will be down; not everyone can afford college. Like people could before. My tuition costs $35,000 a year-and rising. Insane, I know, but's that a whole other story. I did apply to live off campus and got DENIED. Slam bam thank you ma'am. "They don't forsee me living off campus" is they way they put it.
I think college should be free. I don't know how they do it in other countries, but it should happen here. I know someone from Puerto Rico who told me college is $500 a semester! How cheap is that?
Maybe I should give you some background of me:
My name is Morgan and I'm a sophomore in a small private college in northeast Iowa. I was born and raised in a small town, population 2,000. My high school was small; my graduating class was 94. Don't assume I'm some small town hick though.
I'm majoring in Communication Arts with an emphasis in Print Media, with a Communication Design minor. Sounds fun doesn't it? You don't even know the half of it :)
I'm a pretty random person, so I'm not going to explain every aspect of my life-it would take awhile. I'd get distracted and talk about other things. It'll all play out in my blog. I'm currently thinking of other things to write about besides me me me. I'm a pretty good rambler, so I can talk about anything and everything, as you can possibly tell by my veeerrry first entry!

Random Fact of the Day: The average American spends six months at red lights throughout his or her life.
In my opinion, I don't think people would get as angry about red lights if they were like this >>>
photo courtesy of